Technology (Collaboration, Network Infrastructure and Cyber Security)

it comes as no surprise that technology has been a major factor in facilitating the ability to work remotely. 76.8% of employees rated it as the most important factor in order to work successfully from home.

Collaboration technology, from messaging services to video calls, has been significant in enabling hybrid work arrangements. 51.6% believe that effective collaboration tools made it easier to speak and be heard, giving 54.6% employees more confidence during virtual meetings. Surprisingly enough, virtual communication has also helped build personal relationships amongst co-workers. 46.8% of employees said they felt closer to colleagues as they were able to catch glimpses into their home lives and the people and pets within in.

Some gaps were revealed when it came to networking infrastructure and cyber security: 

  • 84.3% of respondents highlighted the importance of networking infrastructure for a seamless working from home experience, however, only 67.9% said that their company had met this need. 
  • 61.9% thought that employees within their company understood the cyber risks involved while working from home, and only 67.5% felt that leaders were familiar with these risks. 
  • 77.6% said it was critical to make hybrid working safe, but only 64.9% said that their company had the right capabilities and protocols in place. 
For organisations to function and grow successfully with a hybrid workforce it is crucial that they consider the gaps they have in their technology, network infrastructure and security, and invest in these.